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Moliterno whole wheel

semi-hard cheese

Regular price €139,90

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Queso de oveja of semi-hard or hard pasta, compacta, de color blanco marfil, de sabor salado, intense y marcado. If caracteriza by the brand "Central" grabada in all shapes and by the moldeo obtenido con cestas de junco.
Ingredients: leche de oveja pasteurizada, sal, cuajo. Treated on the surface with preservative E 235. Corteza no comestible. Alérgenos: leche y productos derivados de la leche (incluida lactosa).

Country of origin: Italy

Region of production: Sardinia

Ingredients: pasteurized sheep's milk, salt, rennet. Surface treated with E235 preservative. Inedible rind.

Allergens: milk and milk-based products (including lactose).

Pack of:

Producer: Dairy

Ideal tasting al natural y rallado.

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