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When the proverbs are right ...

When the proverbs are right ...

Yes, we know: proverbs are not always right but in this case we could say that this proverb has a little reason:

"Don't let the peasant know how good the cheese is with pears"

For you who love good food and know how to appreciate every nuance of flavor, today we offer 3 combinations of fruit and cheese:


What would you combine the burrata? The perfect pairing would be with tomatoes, but try to be a little more daring and add some strawberries too. Surprising right?


Perfect for semi-mature cheeses such as cheese. Also combine it with walnut kernels and apple cubes, and if you want you can also add orange marmalade.

And fichi

Long-aged cheeses such as Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano go very well with figs. The sweetness of dried figs is enhanced by the delicate touch of these typically Italian cheeses.

And finally:

We had only said 3 combinations but we wanted to propose two more interesting ones:
Taleggio and almonds: because the aroma of almonds binds well with cheeses with an intense and savory taste.
Seasoned Pecorino and pistachios: because the flavor of the pistachio enhances the grainy structure of the medium-aged pecorino.

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