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Italian gourmet products online sales

Italian gourmet products online sales

Vecchia Malga is a shop specializing in the online sale of high quality typical Italian regional gourmet products.

A journey from north to south discovering aromas, flavors and customs that become peculiarities of fascinating and unique lands: Italy is the first European country as regards the number of products formally recognized with the important acronyms DOP, IGP and TSG; 266 local culinary goods, which represent 21,4% of all awards issued within the European Union.

An important percentage, which confirms the Italian strategic position in a world market that is no longer in search of quantity but which makes quality an essential, essential feature.

Of course, getting the praise of the international community and becoming a reference point in the food market is not immediate: the acronym DOP (indicating products with a Protected Designation of Origin) is a trademark of legal protection, a seal that inseparably links the production and the special characteristics of a product to the specific territory in which they are made.

A strategic brand whose goal is certainly that of protect gastronomic excellence, which often become prominent protagonists of hilarious (but still harmful) counterfeits.

Buy our products on the online store www.vecchiamalganegozi.com

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