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Italian Gastronomy Products | Online selling

Italian Gastronomy Products | Online selling

Vecchia Malga offers you its selection of high quality Italian gastronomy products.

Italy was also made in the kitchen, between a plate of pasta and a citrus juice. This is documented by the sapid telegrams sent by Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour in the most fortunate year for the country's history. «The oranges are on our table and we are about to eat them. For the macaroni you have to wait because they are not cooked yet ", he wrote in July 1860, alluding to Sicily already occupied by the Garibaldians who are now marching towards the continent. The wait goes on for over a month, until 7 September, when Garibaldi victoriously enters Naples. "The macaroni are cooked and we will eat them", anticipates Cavour with the Piedmontese ambassador in Paris. 

Unity has already been served at the table. And from the Neapolitan flag, the macarone will soon rise to a national symbol. 

Several scholars of the history of gastronomy recall how much importance the kitchen has in the construction of our Italian spirit. An open and "democratic" model, the result of different traditions and therefore capable of assimilating the new, because Italy is a country capable of digesting diversity to the point of transforming it into its own typical character (as happened with the elongated pasta imported in medieval age from Muslim culture and subsequently declined with tomato and chilli). In short, tolerance is learned more in the kitchen than anywhere else.

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