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Online sale of certified PDO Tuscan Ham

Online sale of certified PDO Tuscan Ham

Vecchia Malga presents you a typical specialty of the Tuscany region. The DOP certified Tuscan Ham.

The delicate flavor, the crimson red of the slices, dry and lean, the intense taste enhanced by a slight sapidity are the hallmarks of one of the excellences of Tuscan food and wine. The flavor and aroma make it inimitable, but the secret of the success of Prosciutto Toscano is given in the first place by the perfect climate for maturing, characterized by breezes, temperate winds of land and sea that blow over a territory protected from the winds of tramontana from the chain of the Apennines.

A delicate taste but wisely enriched by those unmistakable aromas of “Tuscanity”, typical of its vegetation, rich in mastic, myrtle, juniper, secret ingredients of the producers' recipes.

The genuine simplicity that is recognized all over the world in Tuscan food production is also alive in its hams.

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