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Tortellini Bolognesi - Online sale of high quality Italian artisan fresh pasta

Tortellini Bolognesi - Online sale of high quality Italian artisan fresh pasta

Today we present the main dish of Emilian cuisine. Tortellini Bolognesi.

There are several legends about the origin of this dish. One of these gives birth to this dish in Castelfranco Emilia, a country historically disputed between Bologna and Modena, by the owner of the inn Corona, who, peering through the keyhole of the room of a noblewoman who was his guest and was so impressed by the beauty of her navel, wanted to reproduce it in a culinary preparation.

Another variant of the story is inspired by Tassoni's "Secchia kidnapped" and tells of how in those times, one evening after a day of battle between Bolognese and Modenese, Venus, Bacchus and Mars found refreshment at the inn Corona in Modena. The next morning Mars and Bacchus left the inn leaving Venus dormant; when she woke up, she called someone and the innkeeper who saw her surprised her naked and was so impressed by her splendid shapes that back in the kitchen with what she had seen still in her head, tore a piece of pastry, filled it and folded it giving it the shape of the navel of the goddess.

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