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Mortadella Bologna IGP certified | Online selling

Mortadella Bologna IGP certified | Online selling

Vecchia Malga presents the Certified Mortadella Bologna PGI, undoubtedly the most famous gastronomic product of the Emilia-Romagna tradition.

La Bologna mortadella IGP is a cooked sausage made exclusively with pure pork, cylindrical or oval in shape, pink in color and with an unmistakable, intense and slightly spicy aroma.

Since July 1998, at a European level, the name "Mortadella Bologna" has been recognized as a protected geographical indication (PGI). Following this recognition, only Mortadella Bologna can boast the IGP mark, while all other productions that do not fall within the rules of the specification can be marketed as common mortadella and in no way can use the name "Bologna" or the wording "IGP "on the products sold, even if erroneously in some parts of Italy and also of the world it is customary to indicate as" Bologna "also the common mortadella.

In 2001 the Consorzio Mortadella Bologna was born, which brings together the major producers of this salami and sets itself as the main statutory purposes: the "protection", "promotion" and "enhancement" of Mortadella Bologna, also through the implementation of activities suitable for the development information and nutrition education of the protected product, respecting the identity and know-how of each producer.

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